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Use leptonDphiThreshHnl flag in (ATLDHNL-19)

Susumu Oda requested to merge oda/athena:21.0-ATLDHNL-19-fix-v1 into 21.0

Use leptonDphiThreshHnl flag in

This flag was prepared but was not used.

With this fix, the following preExec has to be used when the delta phi cut threshold value is changed.

--preExec '...; from LongLivedParticleDPDMaker.PrimaryDPDFlags_RPVLLStream import primRPVLLDESDM;primRPVLLDESDM.leptonDphiThreshHnl.set_Value_and_Lock(1.6);'

This change affects only DRAW_RPVLL and does not change DRAW_RPVLL results with the default setting.

Edited by Susumu Oda

Merge request reports