Adding HLT_xAOD__TrigMissingETContainer_TrigEFMissingET_topocl_PUC to EXOT9 and EXOT17
requested to merge ysmirnov/athena_old:21.2-AddingAnotherOnlineMetContainerToEXOT9and17-2019-11-28 into 21.2
This MR adds an additional container into EXOT9
and EXOT17
derivations. It is needed to get hold of the missing ET seen at the trigger level for pufit
-based MET triggers (see here for more info). Container size is 0.073 kB/event in MC and 0.076 kB/event in data. Relative increase in the file size is +0.41% for MC and +0.66% for data. Tagging @mkbugge and @guescini. The
and art_merged.pool.root
created with
after the development are okay and do contain the new variables.
A similar MR was !27666 (merged), in which I added a container needed for the calculation of the missing ET seen at the trigger level for mht
-based MET triggers.
Edited by Yury Smirnov