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Adding HLT_xAOD__TrigMissingETContainer_TrigEFMissingET_topocl_PUC to EXOT9 and EXOT17

This MR adds an additional container into EXOT9 and EXOT17 derivations. It is needed to get hold of the missing ET seen at the trigger level for pufit-based MET triggers (see here for more info). Container size is 0.073 kB/event in MC and 0.076 kB/event in data. Relative increase in the file size is +0.41% for MC and +0.66% for data. Tagging @mkbugge and @guescini. The and art_merged.pool.root created with after the development are okay and do contain the new variables.

A similar MR was !27666 (merged), in which I added a container needed for the calculation of the missing ET seen at the trigger level for mht-based MET triggers.

Edited by Yury Smirnov

Merge request reports
