Omnibus DQ update: MET, MT correctness, etc.
This MR includes a number of changes for DQ:
- integrates offline MET in global monitoring and adds many fixes to that code for proper operation
- adds an algorithm to force MS alignment conditions loading (similar to the workaround for ATEAM-579, allows us to get the same result for MDT monitoring in serial and MT modes)
- fix a few places where subclasses of AthMonitorAlgorithm were creating their own TrigDecisionTool handles instead of using the central one
- fix a place where EventInfo was explicitly retrieved by a subclass of AthMonitorAlgorithm instead of using the central accessor
- fix a few duplicated property warnings
- turn off DEBUG output by default for TrigEgammaMonitoring
- suppress a few ROOT duplicate histogram warnings
- add a hook for future scheduling of RAW reco
- fix a typo in the configuration of TrigCaloMonitoring that was causing irreproducible (incorrect) histograms