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ART tests - fixing the bugs
Bugs described here: !27890 (merged) are hopefully fixed in this MR.
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137 139 if [ $dorec -ne 0 ]; then 138 140 139 141 ## Starting reconstruction for single muons 140 if [ $dosim -ne 0 ] && [ ! -s "$hits_muons_10GeV" ] && [ -s "$hits_ref_muons_10GeV" ]; then 141 echo "$script: Sim_tf output '$hits_muons_10GeV' not created. Run Reco_tf on '$hits_ref_muons_10GeV' instead." 2>&1 142 hits_muons_10GeV="$hits_ref_muons_10GeV" 142 ### if [ $dosim -ne 0 ] && [ ! -s "$hits_muons_1GeV" ] && [ -s "$hits_ref_muons_1GeV" ]; then 143 ### echo "$script: Sim_tf output '$hits_muons_1GeV' not created. Run Reco_tf on '$hits_ref_muons_1GeV' instead." 2>&1 144 ### hits_muons_1GeV="$hits_ref_muons_1GeV" 145 ### fi 146 if [ $dosim -ne 0 ] && [ ! -s "$hits_muons_1GeV" ] ; then 174 169 HITtoRDO:'from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import digitizationFlags; digitizationFlags.doInDetNoise.set_Value_and_Lock(False); digitizationFlags.doBichselSimulation.set_Value_and_Lock(False); digitizationFlags.overrideMetadata+=["SimLayout","PhysicsList"];' \ 175 170 RAWtoALL:'from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags; InDetFlags.doStandardPlots.set_Value_and_Lock(True);from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelCalibSvc;ServiceMgr +=PixelCalibSvc();InDetFlags.useDCS.set_Value_and_Lock(True);ServiceMgr.PixelCalibSvc.DisableDB=True;from InDetPrepRawDataToxAOD.InDetDxAODJobProperties import InDetDxAODFlags;InDetDxAODFlags.DumpLArCollisionTime.set_Value_and_Lock(False);InDetDxAODFlags.DumpSctInfo.set_Value_and_Lock(True);InDetDxAODFlags.ThinHitsOnTrack.set_Value_and_Lock(False)' \ 176 171 ESDtoDPD:'rec.DPDMakerScripts.set_Value_and_Lock(["PrimaryDPDMaker/"]);from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags;InDetFlags.useDCS.set_Value_and_Lock(True);from PixelConditionsServices.PixelConditionsServicesConf import PixelCalibSvc;ServiceMgr +=PixelCalibSvc();ServiceMgr.PixelCalibSvc.DisableDB=True' \ 177 --postExec all:'ToolSvc.LayoutTranslationHelper.translateIdentifiersForInclinedAlternative=True;'\ 172 --postExec \ This command now appears to be malformed, since it triggers a message:
/test/ line 181: --postExec: command not found
(line number refers to latest version, while this change was in an older revision)
the format should be
--postExec HITtoRDO:'pixeldigi.EnableSpecialPixels=False; CfgMgr.MessageSvc().setError+=["HepMcParticleLink"];' \ RAWtoALL:'ToolSvc.InDetSCT_ClusteringTool.useRowInformation=True; from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc; ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool.OutputLevel=INFO;from InDetPhysValMonitoring.InDetPhysValMonitoringConf import InDetPhysValDecoratorAlg;decorators = InDetPhysValDecoratorAlg();topSequence += decorators'
as e.g. here, and needs to be fixed for all tests.
97 98 ## this runs single electrons simulation 99 run ls -lL "$evnt_electrons_100GeV" 100 101 # Sim step: based on RTT SimInclinedDuals_GMX job: 102 run \ 103 --inputEVNTFile "$evnt_electrons_100GeV" \ 104 --outputHITSFile "$hits_electrons_100GeV" \ 105 --skipEvents 0 \ 106 --maxEvents 10000 \ 107 --randomSeed 873254 \ 108 --geometryVersion ATLAS-P2-ITK-17-06-00_VALIDATION \ 109 --conditionsTag OFLCOND-MC15c-SDR-14-04 \ 110 --truthStrategy MC15aPlus \ 111 --DataRunNumber 242000 \ 112 --preInclude all:'InDetSLHC_Example/,InDetSLHC_Example/,InDetSLHC_Example/,InDetSLHC_Example/' \ 97 98 ## this runs single muons simulation 99 run ls -lL "$evnt_muons_100GeV" 100 101 # Sim step: based on RTT SimInclinedDuals_GMX job: 102 run \ 103 --inputEVNTFile "$evnt_muons_100GeV" \ 104 --outputHITSFile "$hits_muons_100GeV" \ 105 --skipEvents 0 \ 106 --maxEvents 10000 \ 107 --randomSeed 873254 \ 108 --geometryVersion ATLAS-P2-ITK-17-06-00_VALIDATION \ 109 --conditionsTag OFLCOND-MC15c-SDR-14-04 \ 110 --truthStrategy MC15aPlus \ 111 --DataRunNumber 242000 \ 112 --preInclude all:'InDetSLHC_Example/,InDetSLHC_Example/,InDetSLHC_Example/,InDetSLHC_Example/' \
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