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Externals (and Build) Update, master branch (2019.12.05.)

This is to update all projects to atlasexternals-2.0.47, and to make the build of externals in Gaudi based projects more robust.

The updates in atlasexternals-2.0.47 are (atlasexternals@2.0.45...2.0.47):

  • Added a thread safety fix/patch to the FastJet build (thanks to @ssnyder);
  • Updated CheckerGccPlugins with some new features (thanks to @ssnyder);
  • Added a missing "entrypoints" dependency to PyModules (thanks to @fwinkl);
  • Re-introduced a default script to AtlasCMake;

The last update goes hand-in-hand with the updates that this MR makes in Athena/ and AthSimulation/ In the current implementation when a build error happens in AthenaExternals or AthSimulationExternals, the build scripts exit early, and don't even try to build Gaudi. Which is definitely not what we want in the nightly. So the script updates (in nightly mode) make sure that the scripts would try to "do everything", whatever happens.

This is to fix the Python 3 and LCG nightlies, which are experiencing issues compiling CheckerGccPlugins at the moment. (See ATLINFR-3221 for some of the details.)

Note that this is a replacement for !28428 (merged), which itself had to be reverted in !28511 (merged), because of the issue fixed in atlasexternals!575 (merged)...

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