EXOT27: thinning of TrackParticles based on AntiKt4EMTopo jets instead of AntiKt2LCTopo jets
This merge request modifies the EXOT27 derivation to include more TrackParticle
s by adding also thinning based on track-to-jet association for AntiKt4EMTopo
jets. The change consequently allows the tracks to be matched to different jet collections and not just AntiKt2LCTopo
as it has been the case.
This results in a size increase of EXOT27 (measured with the ART test files):
- data18 ART file: 1.20% (right now the size is 1.1%)
- MC ART file: 4.21% of the AOD file
Justification of this modification:
The mono-s(WW) analysis team needs to explore alternative TAR jet reconstruction approaches in order to study the track-assisted jet reclustering with AntiKt4EMTopo
jets instead of AntiKt2LCTopo
This is required to understand the JER behaviour of the TAR jet reconstruction on a short timescale which is dictated by two PhD students strongly involved in the analysis having their affiliation ending in summer.
tagging @fladias and @guescini for the Exotics Derivation contacts and @ssevova and @obrandt for the analysis team, and @jveatch and @fnapolit as TAR experts
notifying also other users of the derivation @dguest @jburr @dbogavac