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Migrate clients to retrieve MuonDetectorManager from the conditions store

George Stavropoulos requested to merge stavrop/athena:MR_MuonDetMgr into master

Convert MuonDetectorManager to a conditions’ object and store it in the conditions store every time the alignment is updated. The MuonDetectorManager is still saved in the detector store, but it is not updated for alignment (nominal parameters).

The sw that retrieves info at initialization from the MuonDetectorManager is left unchanged and gets this info from the MuonDetectorManager in the detector store. The sw that retrieves info in an event basis from the MuonDetectorManager is changed and gets the info from the MuonDetectorManager in the conditions store. In that case the same piece of code was introduced everywhere

In the Header: `#include "MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h"


// MuonDetectorManager from the conditions store

SG::ReadCondHandleKeyMuonGM::MuonDetectorManager m_DetectorManagerKey {this, "DetectorManagerKey", "MuonDetectorManager", "Key of input MuonDetectorManager condition data"};`

In .cxx ....... // MuonDetectorManager from the conditions store ATH_CHECK(m_DetectorManagerKey.initialize()); ..... // MuonDetectorManager from the conditions store SG::ReadCondHandleMuonGM::MuonDetectorManager DetectorManagerHandle{m_DetectorManagerKey}; const MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager* MuonDetMgr = DetectorManagerHandle.cptr(); if(MuonDetMgr==nullptr){ ATH_MSG_ERROR("Null pointer to the read MuonDetectorManager conditions object"); return StatusCode::FAILURE; }

Edited by George Stavropoulos

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