We now have a tool running in the derivation to calculate the PFlow jet FJVT and decorate it according to Jet/MET group recommendations. Therefore, this MR disables the fJVT algorithm from the analysis algorithm package and the subsequent selection using it.
It's perhaps worth pointing out that the decoration in the derivation framework seems to use the JetForwardPFlowJvtTool tool: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/21.2/PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss/python/ExtendedJetCommon.py#L431
while the analysis recommendations: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/PileupJetRecommendations#fJVT
seem to suggest that the JetForwardJvtTool tool can be used for either EMTopo or PFlow jets. The analysis algorithms currently follow the latter setup (just the JetForwardJvtTool for all); it's not clear to me if this is really the recommendation or is just an inconsistency that needs to be fixed. Mercifully, since we are using the derivation decoration, it doesn't matter for PHYSLITE.