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Add process VBF W+W-jj to PowhegControl

Stefan Richter requested to merge powhegcontrol_add_VBFosWW_process into 21.6

Add Athena interface for Powheg process VBF W^+ W^- jj, requested by @croland in AGENE-1690.

Unfortunately, I still haven't found the cause of the failing multiweighting, so currently only running with a single nominal weight is supported. But for physics validation this should already be useful.

The following command should work to generate Powheg + Pythia events of this process:

mkdir build && cd build
asetup AthGeneration,21.6.14
cmake ../source && make # assuming the local PowhegControl installation is in source/
source x*/
export ATHENA_PROC_NUMBER=10 # or however many cores you want to use
mkdir run && cd run
cp ../source/PowhegControl/share/example/processes/ . --ecmEnergy 13000 --maxEvents 1000 --randomSeed 1 --runNumber 101010 --firstEvent 1 --outputEVNTFile Powheg.EVNT.root --jobConfig

Merge request reports
