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MuonEfficiencyCorrections precision recommendations for isolation

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge (removed):uncorrelate_sys into 21.2

Hi everybody,

this MR prepares the next round of recommendations regarding the isolation scale-factors and some fixes for the uncorrelate systematics functions

 *** Next generation of scale-factors is binned in drJet - pt. Which means that the decoration dRJets must be availalbe on the muon
 *** Added one time warning if the decoration is not present. In this case the pt integrated scale-factor is given back
 *** Fixes of the Uncorrelate sys function of the tool
 *** Added helper alg to decorate the muon jet dR beforehand. 

Adding @avallier, @dzanzi, @maklein, @nkoehler, @gartoni, @szambito, @yoyamagu, @dcieri and our well admired friend the @atlasbot.

Edited by Johannes Junggeburth

Merge request reports
