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Organizing sequences and adding placeholder for lhloose, lhmedium and lhtight chains with precision steps

This MR is a redo of !28775 (merged) to organize how sequences are setup for electron chains. I updated names and organized the preparation of the sequences as we did for photon chains. Now it is ready for adding lhloose, lhmedium and lhtight type of chains that are comming soon.

Precision sequences are here running on lhloose, lhmedium and lhtight chains. Added in the menu the following development chains:

  • HLT_e5_lhloose_L1EM3
  • HLT_e5_lhmedium_L1EM3
  • HLT_e5_lhtight_L1EM3

And the following primary electron chains:

  • HLT_e26_lhtight_L1EM24VHI
  • HLT_e60_lhmedium_L1EM24VHI
  • HLT_e140_lhloose_L1EM24VHI
  • HLT_e300_etcut_L1EM24VHI
  • HLT_2e17_lhvloose_L12EM3

Note that none of these chains are implementing the likelihood yet. Just precision tracking and electron reconstruction using topoEgamaBuilder and applying a pT cut at the end as a final hypo.

Implementation of likelihood via ElectronPhotonSelectorTools is being developed by @dbakshig and myself on another MR

This is following the task discussed in ATR-18927 and tasks within.

Merge request reports