TrigOutputHandling: Add alg and job opts for HLT result truncation analysis
A new algorithm TruncationAnalysisAlg is added which reads the TruncationDebugInfo object written in case of HLT result truncation, and prints its contents. New job options are also added to run this algorithm on a file with truncated event(s).
This was tested by creating a file with truncated results with the following command:
athenaHLT -o output -c 'from TrigEDMConfig import TriggerEDMRun3; TriggerEDMRun3.TruncationThresholds={0:200000,1:200000,5:200000};' -n 5 -f /cvmfs/ TrigUpgradeTest/
and then the analysis was run with:
athena --evtMax=1 TrigOutputHandling/
In the analysis log, the following information is printed:
TruncationAnalysis INFO
Info number 1 / 1
Module ID: 0
Total size: 330.316 kB
Found 470 collections in this module
| Size [kB] | Recorded? | Name |
| 82.70 | N | xAOD::CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1#HLT_TopoCaloClustersFSAux. |
| 65.80 | Y | xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5#HLT_xAODTracks_FSAux. |
| 12.81 | Y | xAOD::JetAuxContainer_v1#HLT_AntiKt4EMTopoJets_subjesIS_ftfAux. |
| 10.95 | Y | xAOD::JetAuxContainer_v1#HLT_AntiKt4EMTopoJets_subjesAux. |
| 4.27 | Y | xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5#HLT_xAODTracks_ElectronAux. |
| 2.98 | Y | xAOD::CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1#HLT_TopoCaloClustersRoIAux. |
| 2.19 | Y | xAOD::TrigElectronAuxContainer_v1#HLT_L2ElectronsAux. |
| 2.14 | Y | xAOD::CaloClusterContainer_v1#HLT_TopoCaloClustersFS |
| 1.95 | Y | xAOD::CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1#HLT_CaloEMClustersAux. |
| 1.89 | N | xAOD::VertexAuxContainer_v1#HLT_EFHistoPrmVtxAux. |
| 1.78 | N | xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2#HLTNav_L2ElectronHypoMTAux. |
| 1.71 | Y | xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v2#HLT_MuonL2SAInfoAux. |
| 1.66 | N | xAOD::TauJetAuxContainer_v3#HLT_TrigTauRecMerged_CaloOnlyMVAAux. |
| 1.66 | N | xAOD::TauJetAuxContainer_v3#HLT_TrigTauRecMerged_CaloOnlyAux. |
| 1.66 | N | xAOD::TauJetAuxContainer_v3#HLT_TrigTauRecMerged_MVAAux. |
| 1.59 | Y | xAOD::TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v2#HLT_L2CaloEMClustersAux. |
| 1.58 | N | xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2#HLTNav_PEBInfoWriter_LArPEBAux. |
| 1.45 | Y | xAOD::TrigMissingETAuxContainer_v1#HLT_MET_cellAux. |
| 1.45 | Y | xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v5#HLT_MuonsCBOutsideInAux. |
| 1.45 | N | xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2#HLTNav_ElectronprecisionCaloHypoAux. |
| 1.45 | Y | xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v5#HLT_MuonsCB_FSAux. |
| 1.45 | Y | xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v5#HLT_MuonsCB_RoIAux. |
| 1.44 | Y | xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v5#HLT_MuonsIsoAux. |
| 1.44 | Y | xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v5#HLT_Muons_FSAux. |
| 1.44 | Y | xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v5#HLT_Muons_RoIAux. |
| 1.39 | N | xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2#HLTNav_PhotonprecisionCaloHypoAux. |
| 1.25 | N | xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2#HLTNav_FStep3_precisionCalo_electron__L2ElectronHypoMTAux. |
(there are many more entries in the table, I only pasted the top few as an example)
The table is formatted in a way allowing to simply copy and paste into Jira.
Relevant ticket: ATR-19407
Tagging for info: @ballbroo, @mamuzic, @okuprash, @bernius, @wiedenma, @dzanzi, @morgens