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Add TrigAnalysisTest post-exec checks for python tests

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:trigAna-checkSteps into master

Porting the TrigAnalysisStep post-exec steps from the old bash-based test scripts:
to the new python-based framework (ATR-20038).

The following steps are added:

  • TrigDecChecker
  • TrigEDMChecker
  • TrigEDMAuxChecker
  • CheckFileTrigSize

and used in python-based tests which finish on either AOD or RDO_TRIG.

I have not added the TrigNavSlimming test yet, this can be done later.

The new steps uncover some issues and don't fully work with the Run-3 Trigger outputs, so will need to be adapted. This can be also done in a separate MR (probably by someone else).

cc @tamartin, @okuprash

Merge request reports