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Ground work for decoding Run-3 Level-1 RoIs from ByteStream to xAOD

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:l1-trigger-result into master

Implementing framework code for Run-3 L1 RoI decoding following the ideas outlined in ATR-20745. New algorithm L1TriggerResultMaker is added which creates an xAOD::TrigComposite object named L1TriggerResult and calls converter tools to create xAOD RoIs from BS and link them to the result. A converter tool interface is provided along with an example implementation decoding muon RoIs (filling with dummy information). A hook to the new object is implemented in the L1Decoder and the corresponding python configuration. No actual interpretation of the new RoIs is made yet in the L1Decoder, as sub-system developers have to first implement their decoders to provide those RoIs.

The configuration is implemented in a way not changing the current default workflow. In order to test the new code, one has to set the decodePhaseIL1 flag in The code was tested with the following command: -l DEBUG -c "decodePhaseIL1=True" -n 15 -f /cvmfs/ TrigUpgradeTest/

and works as expected.

Edited by Rafal Bielski

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