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Gaudi Build Fix, master branch (2020.01.10.)

This is meant to fix the issue described in ATLINFR-3336.

As discussed in that ticket, there seems to be a race condition when the build of Gaudi "starts up". Multiple processes may start running the xenv code at the same time, all of which will try to create the picked Gaudi-build.xenvc file at the same time. It may then happen that while one of the processes is already writing that file to disk, another process tries to read it, before it would've been fully written there. Leading to the issues described in ATLINFR-3336.

As we discussed with @clemenci in this week's Gaudi meeting, the simplest workaround seems to be to trigger the creation of Gaudi-build.xenvc ahead of the build. (A better solution seems to be unnecessary since xenv is on its way out already.)

Unfortunately testing that the issue gets fixed by this, is pretty hard. But at least this addition doesn't seem to break the build... 😛

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