Surface :: The transform does not need to be a CachedPointer
The main change is from
CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtrT<Amg::Transform3D> m_transform; //!< Transform3D to orient surface w.r.t to global frame
CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtrT<Amg::Vector3D> m_center; //!< center position of the surface
CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtrT<Amg::Vector3D> m_normal; //!< normal vector of the surface
std::unique_ptr<Amg::Transform3D> m_transform; //!< Transform3D to orient surface w.r.t to global frame
CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr<Amg::Vector3D> m_center; //!< center position of the surface
CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr<Amg::Vector3D> m_normal; //!< normal vector of the surface
the transform is not really lazy initialized so can be a "plain" unique ptr, and for the lazy init is better to use the CachedUniquePtr rather than CachedUniquePtrT
template <class T>
using CachedUniquePtr = CachedUniquePtrT<const T>;
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos