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21.9 remove InDetServMat use

Nicholas Styles requested to merge nstyles/athena:21.9-removeInDetServMat into 21.9

Some code in InDetServMat configured and run for ITK geometries still relies on the "old" DB tables for steering parameters e.g. here, rather than the Xml file content of the CLOB.

This can be removed from the configuration (which would also eventually allow removal of InDetServMatBuilderToolSLHC and InDetServMatFactorySLHC from the release) as shown in these changes. This has the consequence of removing the volume InDetServMat::ServLog which is filled with air and has no associated child volumes. It is not clear what the purpose of this volume is.

Removing this has an effect on simulation results, but it is not yet apparent if this is a consequential effect.

cc @hhayward @npetters @goblirsc @tstreble @ncalace @nova

Edited by Nicholas Styles

Merge request reports
