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JETM8: add missing constituents and constituent thinning

Jason Robert Veatch requested to merge jveatch/athena:21.2-JETM8 into 21.2

This adds LCOriginTopoClusters and TrackCaloClustersCombinedAndNeutral back into JETM8. Additionally, constituents are thinned by association to ungroomed jets. This represents an overall decrease in size of ~40%. Furthermore, it addresses a bug in the AntiKt10LCTopoTrimmedPtFrac5SmallR20Jets smart slimming list. Finally, it cleans up the large-R jet smart slimming lists, removing unneeded variables (pt, eta, phi, m and constituentLinks since they are in the jet EDM and NTrimSubjets from non-trimmed jet collections) and splitting the lines for easier reading and editing. The changes have been validated for the Truth, LCTopo, and UFOCSSK collections.

Edited by Jason Robert Veatch

Merge request reports
