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Remove sleep from TrigRDBManager

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:hlt-wait-before-fork into master

The fixed wait time in HLT is replaced by an adaptive and configurable wait in HLTMPPU.

Now HLTMPPU waits for a certain time (default is 10s) and checks every 100 ms if all threads finished. It prints a warning if they don't finish after the time is up. The timeout can be changed, e.g. to 20s, by running: --cfgdict '{"HLTMPPU": {"extra_params" : ["threadWaitTimeout=20"]}}'

See HLTMPPU commit atlas-tdaq-software/HLTMPPU@b1044f9c

Jira: ADHI-4741 and ATR-19792

Merge request reports