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Master MuonRpccablingSvc MT migration v4

MuonRPC_CablingSvc calls CablingRPC using CALL_BACK function to get raw condition data, and then derived condition data is calculated in CablingRPC or MuonRPC_CablingSvc. In AthenaMT, derived condition data should be stored in the condition store.

In this request, 13 clients of MuonRPC_CablingSvc is migrated to read the derived data from the condition store using ReadCondHandle (readCdo).

The following tests: q-test221, q-test431, new configuration test (, Trigger tests (, and and tier 0 were all ok.The diff-root was ok for q221 ESD and q431 ESD.(test results)

The log file and diff-root results for q-test431.txt are attached. diffroot_qtest431.txt log_q431.txt

Edited by Jun Yan

Merge request reports
