HistogramDef Upgrade Completion
Here is the other half of the HistogramDef migration to JSON. I've added new options to HistogramDef to handle the user's plotting options (kAddBinsDynamically, Sumw2, etc.) Uses can now provide the old style string `opt = 'kLBNHistoryDepth=10, kCumulative' or provide a python dictionary in their calls to defineHistogram(). The latter can hopefully eliminate some repetition in the defineHistogram() calls.
I've added a new MockHistogramDef to the test suite to help with the HistogramFillerFactory test.
AthenaMonitoring Council of Elders: @ponyisi, @tbold, @fwinkl.
Detailed list of changes:
File Name | Changes |
HistogramDef.h HistogramDef.cxx |
GenericMonitoringTool.py |
GenericMon.txt | Update histogram strings to include the new options |
HistogramFactory.h HistogramFactory.cxx |
HistogramFillerFactory.cxx | Replace string searches with Histogram member checks |
HistogramFillerRebinable1D.h |
LumiblockHistogramProvider.h |
GenericMonParsing_test.cxx | Replace opt strings with direct HistogramDef options |
HistogramFactoryTestSuite.cxx | Replace opt strings with direct HistogramDef options |
HistogramFillerFactoryTestSuite.cxx |
HistogramFillerRebinable1DTestSuite.cxx |
LumiblockHistogramProviderTestSuite.cxx | Remove one unnecessary test and update other tests to new syntax. |
MockHistogramDef.cxx | A subclass of HistogramDef where every member has been explicitly set. |
test_defineHistogram.py | Update histogram strings to include the new options. |
Edited by Charles Burton