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fix bugs which have been fixed in 21.3

Hao Xu requested to merge xuh/athena:master-fix-angle into master

fix some bugs which have been fixed in 21.3, including a manual sweep of !29722 (merged), upgrade some parameter settings.

MM_DigitizationTool.cxx: update Electronics Threshold from 6000e to 15000e; fixed wrong path angle when calculating particle ionization in gas MM_Electron.cxx: fix the wrong drift length used to calculate drift time for drift electrons MM_ElectronicsResponseSimulation.cxx: remove code that repeatedly defines threshold to directly apply the threshold defined in MM_DigitizationTool.cxx MM_IonizationCluster.cxx: correct the exact position of drift electrons that produced the ionization MM_StripsResponseSimulation.cxx: update avalanche gain from 1.16e4 to 8.0e3; expand range of longitudinal Diffusion from 0-5 to (-5)-5

Edited by Hao Xu

Merge request reports
