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Adding LHE Plotter and using it in tests

Zach Marshall requested to merge zmarshal/athena:21.6_LHE_Plotter_Addition into 21.6

Adding a simple LHE plotter to EvgenProdTools. This plots some basic quantities in an LHE file:

  • Event weights
  • PDG ID of the incoming partons (assuming the first two partons are incoming)
  • Energy of each of the incoming partons (assuming the first two partons are incoming)
  • pT of each of the hard scatter partons (assuming the second two partons are hard scatter, e.g. ttbar or SUSY)
  • pT of each additional emmission (assuming those are entries 5 and up)
  • Multiplicity

This should be enough to watch our LHE files for major changes. At some point the script can be extended to do some simple checks on the LHE weights (number, consistency, etc). For now, we want to use them in the MGC nightly tests.

Adding some lines to the MGC nightly tests to use the test script and save the output histograms. Hopefully from here we're only a few steps away from automatic comparisons.

Merge request reports
