Rates Analysis Post-Processing. Initial Code for rate predictions -> JSON
Hi @tvazquez
This is still a bit rough, I hope we can iterate a bit on our requirements, then I can flesh this new python out a bit more.
With this MR, I can download the AOD from https://atlas-art-data.web.cern.ch/atlas-art-data/grid-output/master/Athena/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/2020-02-02T2133/TrigAnalysisTest/test_trigAna_q221_RDOtoAOD_mt1_grid/ and then run (it's ttbar)
RatesAnalysisFullMenu.py 'Input.Files=["AOD.pool.root"]' --MCCrossSection=0.69638 --MCFilterEfficiency=0.54537 --MCIgnoreGeneratorWeights
And get the JSON attached to this MR.
The unique rates should be working here, but happen to be 0 for all items (a usual consequence of not applying prescales in the prediction).
Examples V1. rates.json V2. rates.json
Edited by Tim Martin