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fixes to xAOD navigation for ATLASRECTS-5228

Michiel Jan Veen requested to merge (removed):master_truth_nav2 into master

Several fixes to the xAOD truth navigation, including accepting increased eta ranges and additional author codes. This fixes xAOD truth detection for SA muons in the forward region. Summary of xAOD performance changes:


RAWtoESD 14:14:35  Summary of the xAOD Muon performance
RAWtoESD 14:14:35   Muon type  #Truth muons   Efficiency #Truth muons   Efficiency #Truth muons   Efficiency
RAWtoESD 14:14:35                         (pt>2)                   (pt>5)                 (pt>10 GeV/c)
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     SA 2.0          60           0.983       60           0.983       60           0.983
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     CB all          98               1       98               1       98               1
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     MuidCB          98               1       98               1       98               1
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     MuGirl          98               1       98               1       98               1
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     Tag             98            0.99       98            0.99       98            0.99
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     Calo            98            0.99       98            0.99       98            0.99
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     ID              98               1       98               1       98               1
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     SA(no ID)       98               0       98               0       98               0
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     Tight          158               1      158               1      158               1
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     Medium         158               1      158               1      158               1
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     Loose          158               1      158               1      158               1
RAWtoESD 14:14:35     Combined        98               1       98               1       98               1


RAWtoESD 11:09:00  Summary of the xAOD Muon performance
RAWtoESD 11:09:00   Muon type  #Truth muons   Efficiency #Truth muons   Efficiency #Truth muons   Efficiency
RAWtoESD 11:09:00                         (pt>2)                   (pt>5)                 (pt>10 GeV/c)
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     SA 2.0          87           0.966       87           0.966       87           0.966
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     CB all          98               1       98               1       98               1
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     MuidCB          98               1       98               1       98               1
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     MuGirl          98            0.99       98            0.99       98            0.99
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     Tag             98            0.99       98            0.99       98            0.99
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     Calo            98            0.99       98            0.99       98            0.99
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     ID              98               1       98               1       98               1
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     SA(no ID)       98               0       98               0       98               0
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     Tight          185           0.849      185           0.849      185           0.849
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     Medium         185           0.957      185           0.957      185           0.957
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     Loose          185           0.962      185           0.962      185           0.962
RAWtoESD 11:09:00     Combined        98               1       98               1       98               1

Tagging @kluit

Edited by Michiel Jan Veen

Merge request reports
