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Clean up various parts in InDetPhysValMonitoring as part of ATLIDTRKCP-220

Will try to collect a few clean-ups of InDetPhysValMonitoring here.

  • Remove LargeD0Tool - Not used since release 20.7 nor is the current implementation working
  • Remove star-wars related debug statements of backtracking - flooded with std::cout if enabled and not used by anyone
  • Remove plots related to backtracking - named InDetDummyPlots (for some reason...???)
  • Remove bad match rate plots which plots track for less than 0.5 matching probability, and 0.5 is the default for fakes
  • Remove ToolTestMonitoringPlots and related InDetTestPlot and InDetValidationPlots (not used for anything)
  • Remove histograms for duplicated truthmatches, enables to remove nestled for loop
  • Remove nestled truth matching for loop
  • Remove InDetPerfPlot_spectrum
  • Add separate class for histograms without track selection (and maybe?) unlinked tracks
  • Cleaned up fake rate plots and added better support for unlinked to use the same plotting class
  • Cleaned up efficiency plots and remove Tprofiles from jets (they should be added back in using the same class)
  • Removed usage of TrkHistValUtil classes and made a joint class with slightly reduced contact "TrackParameters"
  • Removed ExtendedFake rates, was just an additional class to fill track properties and hits for fake tracks. Can be done via already existing plottingclasses
  • res and resItk have been removed and a joint one for both use chases are made Resolutions. Slimmed down version of resITk

FYI: @sroe, @goblirsc, @goetz

Edited by Nora Emilia Pettersson

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