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egammaSelectedTrackCopy : Try to see if we can close ATLASRECTS-4772

  • Rel 21 was sliding window seeded.
  • Inner Detector was applying Reta,Rhad cuts (what to re-try with brem recovery or TRT seeding ).
  • E/gamma not (what to apply GSF when > 4 silicon or so).
  • Remove the Reta cut from e/gamma to see if this can explain the remaining differences (a bit lower eff for 10-15 Gev).
  • SW was implicit Et>2500 , now lets leave it at Et>2250 (calibrations are not the same not the turn-on behaviour)

The previous MRs have reduced most of the differences in e/gamma efficiencies. In principle in master we should be getting a bit better eff in low Et at e/gamma level. Inner detector seems a bit lower for et 0-5 GeV after the 7->8 but seems not to be limiting factor for anything so far. Then try to not have an eff drop in something like 10-15 GeV wrt to Rel 21 for e/gamma ....

Mentioning @dboerner

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

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