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Changes to run FlavourTagPerformance framework in r21.9 (Ftag 21.9)

Neelam Kumari requested to merge nekumari/athena:FTAG_21.9 into 21.9

The changes done in the Athena r21.9 is listed here required to run the FlavourTagPerformanceFramework (developed in r21.2) in r21.9

  1. Updated JetCalibTools to customise CalibArea in r21.9 which is otherwise hard-coded in release 21.9

  2. DerivationFramework in PhysicsAnalysis is not present in current 21.9. This package is required to run the FTAG framework for BTagVertexAugmenter and BTagJetAugmenter

  3. FlavorTagDiscriminants package is also added which is not currently in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging. This is required to add BTagTrakAugmenter file for running the FTAG framework.

  4. Added BTagTrackAugmenterAlg file in BTagging: In order to pick up in Track parameters (BTagTrackAccessors.h) changes a new version of algorithm needs to be used in file of FTAG package. This uses BTagTrackAugmenterAlg with new options to run. Appropriate changes were done in CMakeLists.txt and BTagging_entries.cxx to add BTagTrackAugmenterAlg.cxx

@tstreble @duperrin

Edited by Neelam Kumari

Merge request reports
