Merge 21.3.18 into 21.9
This merge request merges all the changes that were made in the 21.3 branch between the release release/21.3.18 and the previous release release/21.3.17.
Below is a list of merge requests that were accepted between those two tags:
- !30473 (merged): Constraint angle cluster method for the NSW MM
- !30563 (merged): Manual sweep of !30523 (merged) (add imf option to ART)
- !30410 (merged): fixes in NSWCalibTool configuration
- !30334 (merged): Sweep from master: Better facilitate Trigger ART test running in CI
- !30300 (merged): 21.3 fast hlt id seeding
- !30266 (merged): Moving the L1Sim pufit calculation to use the new code from TrigEFMissingET
- !30314 (merged): Sweeping !30161 (merged) from 21.0 to 21.3. Adding keep children strategy
- !30289 (merged): Fix20845, just adding a proper return value
- !30313 (merged): Sweeping !30258 (merged) from master to 21.3. Fix errors in the documentation of pufit
- !29774 (merged): NSW calibration tool
- !30190 (merged): Merge 21.0.108 into 21.3
- !30038 (merged): Do not use MM time window in MuonClusterSegmentFinderTool and fix compilation warning in CI
- !30109 (merged): Add new trigger ART tests to check derivations. (ATR-20860)
- !30074 (merged): Manual sweep of !30071 (merged) to 21.3 and 21.9
- !30067 (merged): Only run trigger parts of PhysVal in (ATR-20834)
- !30018 (merged): Improving the fixed angle projection reconstruction for the Micromegas
- !29858 (merged): Inserting BLines for NSW
- !29932 (merged): Added branches to MDTSimHitTester
- !29330 (merged): L1 bug fixes 21.3
- !29847 (merged): make uTPC run with positiv and negativ angles and introduce a property to scale the error onn the cluster
- !29893 (merged): Remove cout in favor of MsgStream
- !29871 (merged): Remove relic cout statements
- !29853 (merged): Added MDT sim hit tester
- !29699 (merged): Inserting ALines for the NSW
- !29773 (merged): Add check for muon identifier to AlignmentErrorTool
- !29771 (merged): Removing MM projection from MuonClusterOnTrackCreator
- !29722 (merged): 21.3 fix angle
- !29732 (merged): move cout to ATH_MSG_WARNING
- !29701 (merged): Fixing wrong cut on the uTPC fit status
Link to the full diff between release/21.3.18 and release/21.3.17 is available at