Workaround for ROOT bug discussed in ATR-20273
Workaround a ROOT bug - fixes (apparently harmless) autoparse failure
libxAODPFlowDict dictionary forward declarations' payload:7:177: error: enumeration previously declared with nonfixed underlying type
namespace xAOD{namespace PFODetails{enum __attribute__((annotate("$clingAutoload$xAODPFlow/PFODefs.h"))) __attribute__((annotate("$clingAutoload$xAODPFlow/PFOContainer.h"))) PFOLeptonType : unsigned int;}}
/cvmfs/ note: previous declaration is here
enum PFOLeptonType{
Warning in <TInterpreter::TCling::RegisterModule>: Problems in compiling forward declarations for module libxAODPFlowDict: '
which can lead to bugs being misclassified.