WIP:Implementing muoncalib chains in Run-3 menu
I want to merge this change into master.
I implemented muoncalib chains in Run-3 menu.
- HLT_mu0_muoncalib_L1MU4_EMPTY for cosmic menu
- HLT_mu0_muoncalib (L1_MU20) for detector monitoring
I also prepared new classes for these chain, TrigL2MufastCALHypoAlg.cxx, TrigL2MufastCALHypoTool.cxx, and these header files (*.h). These are TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/MufastCALHypo.cxx and .h in legacy code. I added these monitoring configuration and these histograms were added in expert-monitoring.root.