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Add ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE to MuonCombinedDebuggerTool

Nicolas Koehler requested to merge nkoehler/athena:muCbBasToolWarn into master


this MR adds the ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE flag to MuonCombinedDebuggerTool. The fact that MuonCombinedDebuggerTool is not thread-safe is not a blocker since the tool can only be called when running with one thread (by the MuonCombinedTool, cf. The MR just suppresses a large fractions of thread-safety warnings and leaves us with the two obvious ones:

warning: Non-thread-safe function 'void MuonCombined::MuonCombinedDebuggerTool::fillBranches(const MuonCandidateCollection&, const InDetCandidateCollection&) const' called from thread-safe function 'virtual void MuonCombined::MuonCombinedTool::combine(const MuonCandidateCollection&, const InDetCandidateCollection&, std::vector<MuonCombined::InDetCandidateToTagMap*>, TrackCollection*, TrackCollection*) const'; may not be thread-safe.
warning: Non-thread-safe function 'void MuonCombined::MuonCombinedDebuggerTool::bookBranches()' called from thread-safe function 'virtual StatusCode MuonCombined::MuonCombinedTool::initialize()'; may not be thread-safe.

Best, Nico

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