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Implementing muoncalib chains in Run-3 menu, ATR-20650

Moe Wakida requested to merge mwakida/athena:Implement_muoncalib into master

I want to merge this change into master.

I implemented muoncalib chains in the Run-3 menu.

  • HLT_mu0_muoncalib_L1MU4_EMPTY for cosmic menu
  • HLT_mu0_muoncalib_L1MU20 for detector monitoring

I added an option to change the settings for these muoncalib chains to TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypoMT/TrigMufastHypoTool.cxx. This option only monitors variables (same as TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMufastCALHypo.cxx in Run-2 code). I also added these monitoring histograms in expert-monitoring.root.

tagging @nakahama and @sshaw for info.

Merge request reports