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[ATR-21112] Migrate custom Muon EventViewCreatorAlgs to use new EVCA ROI Tools

Muon are the first slice to properly move over to the new ViewCreatorROI tools.

These replace the need to have a custom muon event creator alg.

Many of the tools added here will be then used for other slices too.

  • Views on muons will be able to use ViewCreatorCentredOnIParticleROITool
  • Late muon will be able to use ViewCreatorNamedROITool, where the name happens to be "feature" (i.e. here the muon's Step 1 feature IS an ROI).
  • FS can use ViewCreatorFSROITool

The jet's special EventViewCreatorAlgs has its function to insert a jet into an EventView migrated to the common EventViewCreator alg too. But we don't yet migrate clients, that will come in the next MR.

Edited by Tim Martin

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