Cosmic tracking configuration
This MR contains several new additions to ID Trig SW for Run3:
1] New tracking configuration (for MB, Cosmics, etc) using offline pattern recognition
- Resides in (note that the name was chosen as a starting point but can potentially be changed)
- This configuration was taken from the offline and is in process to be adapted for online.
- Consists of a few steps:
- Make seeds out of SP
- Produce track candidates out of these seeds
- Filter track candidates based on the quality
- Store remaining tracks
What has to be done:
- Some of the tools inside are dependent on another tools (such as association tools, etc), I am in the process of investigating whether to use already created ones in RecLoadTools or create a new one. I think it would be a good idea to have Tracking common macros as offline does and retrieve the tools from there, that is why I created where I will put getters for these tools.
- Need to implement Offline Ambiguity solving stage after Track Finding
2] To test this new tracking configuration I have implemented simple Cosmic configuration in Trigger Upgrade package (will eventually move to Menu)
What has to be done:
- This configuration atm doesn't contain any hypo and decisions, but probably will need some in the future
- At the same time will have to build some cosmic chain
3] To validate the results from EFID tracking (but other signatures as well) I have started implementing monitoring tools for tracks (in a new pkg TrigInDetMonitoringTools). This tool is aimed to be used be TrackParticleCnv alg and will monitor track properties. Not sure if you have started with something already @baines if so please let me know so I can incorporate your code in the pkg or other way around.
What has to be done:
- Atm I have just added few track parameters to monitor, probably should adapt more. I was planning to have a look what exactly has been done in TrigTrackingxAODCnvMT and adapt accordingly.
4] Lastly there is quite inconsistency in nomenclature of collections used in tracking. For this reason I have created where necessary collection keys will be stored and used wherever needed.