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Adding pT cut for b-tagging selection tool, Open up selection in tagging tool

Chris Malena Delitzsch requested to merge cdelitzs/athena:21.2_BtagSelTool into 21.2

This MR adds the MinPt criteria to the initialization of the BTaggingSelectionTool that was introduced in 31061. This should fix the problems observed in TOPQ4 and JETM7.

Furthermore after discussing with FTAG experts, it was decided to remove a pT criteria for the tagging decision in case people apply this to VR track-jets (instead of R = 0.4 jets). Open up the eta cut from 2.5 to 2.7.

Tagging a few experts here in case of comments: @mswiatlo @dguest @cpollard

Edited by Nils Erik Krumnack

Merge request reports
