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Update DB format for Pixel ITk offline

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:PixelITkOffline_21.9_DB2 into 21.9

After interaction with /PIXEL database maintainers, the format of the Pixel ITk offline database has been updated to use the following convention

more /PIXEL/PixelITkClusterErrorData Using tag selection: PixelITkError_v1 [240000,0] - [250000,0) (0) [data_array (String16M) : {"0":[0.012246,0.001157,0.018555,0.002075],"1":[0.009688,0.001007,0.020494,0.003011],"2":[0.012246,0.001157,0.018555,0.002075]}]

This merge request implements that change in the database interface in PixelITkOfflineCalibCondAlg

FYI @nstyles @ncalace

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
