Updates of the muon trigger monitoring for athenaMT
This includes the updates for the TrigMuonMonitoringMT
package listed below:
- Reorganization of the code
- Implementation of efficiencies wrt upstream algorithm e.g. the effificiency of L2MuonSA wrt L1
- Usage of the track extrapolator for matching offline muons and L1/L2 muons, but it is disabled
- Tag and probe method for the monitoring of efficiencies
The strategy of the code follows the slides linked in ATR-20317.
The command used for the test:
asetup Athena,master,r2020-04-02
Run3DQTestingDriver.py --dqOffByDefault Input.Files="[${inputs}]" DQ.Steering.doHLTMon=True DQ.Steering.HLT.doCalo=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doEgamma=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMET=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doBjet=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doBphys=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMuon=True Output.HISTFileName=HIST.root
The input file for the test:
The output histograms: