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Coverage check of SCTErrMonAlg is now performed only at the first event of each lumi block. (ATLASDQ-679)

Susumu Oda requested to merge oda/athena:master-SCTErrMonAlg into master

SCTErrMonAlg:Execute of the q431 job was reduced from

SCTErrMonAlg:Execute                                 INFO Time User   : Tot=  4.5  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 0.18(+-0.079)/    0/ 0.25  [s] #= 25


SCTErrMonAlg:Execute                                 INFO Time User   : Tot=  0.6  [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.024(+-0.0487)/    0/ 0.26  [s] #= 25
Edited by Susumu Oda

Merge request reports
