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The MdtCalibration tool does not need / have MagFieldSvc property

After !32217 (merged)

The Trigger_athena_data-test in a few MRs seems to fail with

 File "/build2/ci-builds/master/Athena/build/Athena/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/MuonConfig/", line 86, in MdtCalibrationToolCfg
    mdt_calibration_tool = MdtCalibrationTool(**kwargs)
  File "/build2/ci-builds/master/Athena/install/GAUDI/22.0.13/InstallArea/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/GaudiConfig2/", line 160, in __init__
    setattr(self, key, value)
AttributeError: 'MdtCalibrationTool' object has no attribute 'MagFieldSvc'

Mentioning @schaffer

Not sure why it was not picked up by the CI of the original MR

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

Merge request reports
