Reduced verbosity of CA to old JO conversion
@rbielski found that the conversion process adds quite a lot of (uninteresting) lines in trigger jobs. Typically what will remain looks like this:
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging of CA to global ...
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging services
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Converting from GaudiConfig2 object LVL1ConfigSvc type <class 'GaudiConfig2.Configurables.TrigConf.LVL1ConfigSvc'>
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Creating component configurable LVL1ConfigSvc
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging condition algorithms
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging public tools
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging sequences and algorithms
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging of CA to global done ...
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging of CA to global ...
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging services
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging condition algorithms
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging public tools
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Merging sequences and algorithms
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Converting from GaudiConfig2 object RoIBResultByteStreamDecoderAlg type <class 'GaudiConfig2.Configurables.RoIBResultByteStreamDecoderAlg'>
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Creating component configurable RoIBResultByteStreamDecoderAlg
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Converting from GaudiConfig2 object RoIBResultByteStreamTool type <class 'GaudiConfig2.Configurables.RoIBResultByteStreamTool'>
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Creating component configurable RoIBResultByteStreamTool
Py:conf2toConfigurable INFO Created algorithm RoIBResultByteStreamDecoderAlg/RoIBResultByteStreamDecoderAlg and added to the sequence AthAlgSeq
Let me know if that is still to much.