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Reduce number of histogram by default

Moved certain selection of histograms to be only book/filled by when the detailLeveL flag is set to "expert" level. Default is set to 10 which produces approximately 150 plots.

Added "DetailLevel" to be configurable through preExec
from InDetPhysValMonitoring.InDetPhysValJobProperties import InDetPhysValFlags; InDetPhysValFlags.doExpertOutput.set_Value_and_Lock(True) or
from InDetPhysValMonitoring.InDetPhysValJobProperties import InDetPhysValFlags; InDetPhysValFlags.doPhysValOutput.set_Value_and_Lock(True)

This should improve the configuration rather than setting an arbitrary int in the reco_tf.

FYI: @tcuhadar, @pagacova

Edited by Nora Emilia Pettersson

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