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defining new R3LargeD0 tracking mode for R21

Matthias Danninger requested to merge mdanning/athena:21.0-R3LargeD0 into 21.0

Adding a new tracking mode for Run3 called the R3LargeD0 mode. This mode is by default off like the existing mode "LargeD0" and can be configured via an InDetFlag. In addition i added standard tracking cutLevel 16 to mimic the settings in master for Run 3. default cutLevel remains 14.

The addition will allow us to test this new mode in R21 to produce a few RPVLL_DAOD signal samples to make sure no negative impact from the optimisations are expected for LLP signals. This step is important in light of a potential larger integration into the standard tracking/reconstruction workflow in r22 and Run3. As pointed out this addition does not change the default and all changes are orthogonal to the standard workflow. The MR is more or less equivalent as into master: !31548 (comment 3312379)

I ran the frozen T0 test script and will attach it's output. No change is seen. Proceeding quickly with this MR and making a new release would be very beneficial as the grid is currently rather empty and a fast LLP signal production using this setting could be tested.RunTier0Tests.log

Merge request reports
