Implementation of DQ monitoring of passed L1 and HLT chains and HLT RoIs overview histograms in Run 3
The changes in this MR will mean the following things:
- A histogram monitoring the counts of all passed HLT chains is added. The histogram is created in the py file, where it gets a number of bins equal to the total number of chains found in the AOD. It is filled in the cxx file. This histogram is very useful for reprocessings.
- A similar histogram monitoring all L1 items is also added, with the same basic access and functionalities.
- An overview histogram of phi vs eta for the RoIs of the passed HLT chains is also added. This is a sanity check to make sure not half of the muon trigger is gone for example.
Possible open items (could be addressed in a later MR):
- The chains and L1 items histograms typically end with some empty bins, because not all chains or L1 items are passed when I run over 20 events from a build file. This will be less of a problem for a full run.
- RoIs from HLT chains named
seem to have eta = phi = 0 always. Is this expected?
Still missing:
- Chain and RoI monitoring for the signatures. In Run 2, this was done by a regex matching of chain names (see ). Now we are discussing how to do that with offline monitoring groups. A simple name match might be a good cross check though.
============= Old description: ===============
I am trying to migrate the L1 overall monitoring histogram to the Run 3 framework. The Run 2 equivalent is here:
This is obtained by retrieving all L1 triggers from the TriggerDecisionTool ( )
In Run 3 /MT I have learned that getTrigDecisionTool doesn't return an instance of TrigDecisionTool, but rather configures it and returns a ComponentAccumulator.
@tamartin suggested that it would be better if these data were accessed at configure-time through the metadata peeker and stored in the config flags. "I.e. we could set the ConfigFlags.Trigger.HLTChains flag to a lambda function which would auto-populate it with an array of strings from the in-file metadata."
The committed code is my current attempt after help from Tim and @rbielski. It compiles but fails with
AttributeError: 'TrigDecisionTool' object has no attribute 'getChainGroup'
because there is no getChainGroup in the current TDT.
I also tag @fwinkl , @tbold , @ponyisi , @smh for discussion about how to proceed.