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EXOT4 modifications: clean-up, addition of 201903 VRtrk jet collection and TauJets, removal of `NoEl` jet collections

Elham Khoda requested to merge elham/athena:21.2-EXOT4mod-2020-04-30 into 21.2

Following changes are made in the EXOT4 scripts:

  • Cleaned up the scripts and removed the commented lines
  • Added AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets_BTagging201903 collection and some additional variables
  • Added TauJets and some TruthTaus variables
  • Removed el-jet overlap-removed jet collections (*NoElJets): AntiKt4TrackNoElJets AntiKt4EMTopoNoElJets AntiKt4TruthNoElJets.
    These jet collections are not currently used in any analysis. These collections were built by re-clustering the EMTopo jets after removing the electron (topo) clusters. In the future, it should be done with PFlow jets and the MET calculation has to be fixed.
  • Updated the skimming condition. Added requirements on AntiKt4EMPFlowJets and AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets

Tagging Exotics derivation contact @guescini

Edited by Francesco Guescini

Merge request reports
