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Add HS Vertex Reco/Selection Efficiency and Reso Plots to IDPVM

Attempts to add Figures 8-12 from ATL-PHYS-PUB-2019-015. The scheme for each is:

  • Selection efficiency: determine the "best" reco HS vertex using the sumpt2 of reco tracks and using the sum of truth HS track weights (InDetVertexTruthMatchUtils::bestHardScatterMatch?) and see if they match (calculate local PU density using the truth vertex for the sumpt2 best reco HS vertex)
  • Reconstruction efficiency: find the truth vertex for every reco vertex and check if it is present in our vector of truth HS vertices for the event - if so, we count this as a "pass"
  • HS resolutions: for each vertex in our vector of truth HS vertices (I think we only ever expect 1), calculate the "truth" resolution as the absolute difference between that truth vertex and its matched reco vertex longitudinally and transversely (this is what's in the note) as well as the "reco" resolution using the covariance matrix and error propagation (which I hope I did correctly...)

Additionally, I have also fixed a seg fault which shows up when trying to fill histograms in InDetPerfPlot_VertexTruthMatching.cxx when m_iDetailLevel >= 200 by adding iDetailLevel to the constructor of InDetRttPlots.

Tagging @npetters @goblirsc @vcairo @kostyuk @glee

Edited by Matthew Joseph Basso

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