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[LAr]Calorimeter: Move flake8 checking to build stage and enable checking in AthSimulation

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:flake8_unit2 into master

Migrate the flake8 unit tests to using the POST_BUILD_CMD. Also make sure to always use the predefined ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} variable for the default configuration (additional ignore codes can be specified).

The whitespace changes in this MR as intentional to fix mixed tabs/spaces indentation.

This MR also enables flake8 checking for the AthSimulation project as some packages included in AthSimulation make use of custom flake8 checking, e.g.:

POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} --extend-ignore=F401,F821 )

This breaks if ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} is undefined as the POST_BUILD_CMD will not be found. Alternatively, one could have

set( ATLAS_FLAKE8 true )

as the command true accepts any command line parameter. But since we already run flake8 checking in AthGeneration, probably good to do the same in AthSimulation.

Edited by Frank Winklmeier

Merge request reports
