Update currentLinkIDHash if Rx-redundancy is used. (SCT_RodDecoder)
Updates of SCT_RodDecoder:
- Update currentLinkIDHash if Rx-redundancy is used.
- Results are not be changed because byte stream errors are duplicated to both sides in addSingleError.
- Use currentLinkIDHash instead of flagIDHash and rawIDHash.
- Use currentLinkIDHash instead of onlineID in makeRDO method.
- Use foundHeader instead of onlineID==0 and add MissingLinkHeaderError for ABCD errors and raw data.
- More MissingLinkHeaderError errors are expected.
- Update fillCollection and addRODError methods to add MissingLinkHeaderError to only FE-lins of the ROD whose headers are not found.
- Less MissingLinkHeaderError errors are expected.
- Change the order of the blocks from header, hit, ABCD flag, raw data, trailer, unknown to understand more easily.
- Define and use some enums.
- Use hex for bitmask.
- Remove memset by using std::array.
- Add more comments
RunTier0Tests.py was fine. RunTier0Tests.log
- RunTier0Tests.py uses 25 events data17_13TeV.00330470.physics_Main.daq.RAW._lb0310._SFO-1._0001.data and this run used the super condensed mode.
- To check the expanded mode, 200 events of data15_13TeV.00284484.physics_Main.daq.RAW._lb0200._SFO-1._0001.data was also processed. Only more MissingLinkHeaderError are seen in ESD by this change. SCT RDOs, SCT clusters, tracking results are unchanged.
Edited by Susumu Oda