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Remove some leftover debug printout

Merged Mark Sutton requested to merge sutt/athena:pain into master
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@@ -235,78 +235,8 @@ void AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::loop() {
if ( requireDecision() ) decisiontype_ = TrigDefs::requireDecision;
#if 0
/// stupid TDT debug
std::cout << "SUTT status of all chains " << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> configuredChains = (*m_tdt)->getListOfTriggers("L2_.*, EF_.*, HLT_.*");
m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << "" << configuredChains.size() << " Configured Chains" << "" << endmsg;
int npassed = 0;
std::vector<std::string> passed;
for ( unsigned i=0 ; i<configuredChains.size() ; i++ ) {
std::string chainName = configuredChains[i];
#if 0
std::cout << "" << "Chain " << configuredChains[i]
<< "\tpassed: " << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(configuredChains[i], decisiontype_ ) << " ( type " << decisiontype_ << ") : "
<< "\trequiredec: " << (*m_tdt)->isPassed(configuredChains[i], TrigDefs::requireDecision) << " (ACN)" << std::endl;
if ( (*m_tdt)->isPassed(configuredChains[i], decisiontype_ ) ) {
if ( chainName.find("_split")!=std::string::npos ) {
Trig::FeatureContainer f = (*m_tdt)->features( chainName );
Trig::FeatureContainer::combination_const_iterator comb(f.getCombinations().begin());
Trig::FeatureContainer::combination_const_iterator combEnd(f.getCombinations().end());
while ( comb!=combEnd ) {
std::string vnames[2] = { "xPrimVx", "EFHistoPrmVtx" };
for ( unsigned iv=0 ; iv<2 ; iv++ ) {
std::vector< Trig::Feature<xAOD::VertexContainer> > fvtx = comb->get<xAOD::VertexContainer>( vnames[iv] );
for ( unsigned ivt=0 ; ivt<fvtx.size() ; ivt++ ) {
const xAOD::VertexContainer* vert = fvtx[ivt].cptr();
xAOD::VertexContainer::const_iterator vit = vert->begin();
for ( ; vit != vert->end(); ++vit ) {
std::cout << "\t" << vnames[iv]
<< "\tx " << (*vit)->x() << "\ty " << (*vit)->y() << "\tz " << (*vit)->z()
<< "\tntracks " << (*vit)->nTrackParticles()
<< std::endl;
/// bomb out if no chains passed and not told to keep all events
int passed_chains = 0;
m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << "Checking " << m_chainNames.size() << " chains" << endmsg;
@@ -632,7 +562,7 @@ void AnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple::loop() {
// std::cout << "SUTT Nvertices " << vertices.size() << "\ttype 101 " << vertices_full.size() << std::endl;
for ( unsigned i=0 ; i<vertices.size() ; i++ ) {
m_provider->msg(MSG::INFO) << "vertex " << i << " " << vertices[i] << endmsg;
m_provider->msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "vertex " << i << " " << vertices[i] << endmsg;