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EventStreamInfo using MetaCont

Marcin Nowak requested to merge mnowak/athena:sim.meta3 into master

Added IMetaDataSvc interface with templated methods to store and retrieve metadata objects, based on the subset of the StoreGate interface. Those objects are really inserted into MetaContainers where they are indexed by the Event Range ID (which is obtained from OutputStreamSequencerSvc). The MetaCont is then stored in the MetaDataStore.
Event Ranges are generated in EventService mode, in other cases it's an empty string.

AthenaOutputStream is adapted to retrieve the metadata object from MetaContainer when writing (it creates a temporary fake proxy for it)

This MR includes migration from EventStreamInfo to MetaCont (very small on the user's side)

Also included changes to OutputStreamSequencerSvc so it remembers RangeIDs for every event slot (and hopefully make it truly thread-safe)

Edited by Marcin Nowak

Merge request reports
